Dream Lab
Conceptualize.Incubate.Birth. Develop
The Dream Lab is an experimental impact enterprise incubator designed to test and develop business concepts that can be spun off to local leaders, thus stimulating the local economy. Place matters. Therefore, the Dream Lab focuses its efforts on facilitating enterprises that are directly in, or intended to directly benefit under-served pockets of Akron. The Dream Lab also has a focus on mentoring and walking alongside individuals who have been marginalized or seek to serve marginalized communities through enterprises that make a difference.
We define Impact Enterprises as companies that have the objective to create maximum positive impact – for their customers, employees, business partners and the public at large, as well as for the environment. For an Impact Enterprise, profit, turnover and growth serve as a means to get sufficient capital from investors and to sustain the positive impact generation of the company – they are subordinate to creating maximum positive impact.
Minority Ownership
Economic Development
Geographically focused
Workforce Development